Saturday, February 09, 2008

More Candle Making

I didn't have the camera for Candlemas (last Saturday) when we made our first set of beeswax candles.
So now today (Saturday a week later), we are making some more and surprise, surprise we have a camera!
Here's the canning pot I'm using for my heat, I set a coffee can on the 'jar lifter' since I found putting a coffee can directly on the bottom will tend to tip the can when water bubbles try to 'escape' from under neath it.
Last week I hung the holders on wooden spoons, but didn't like that idea much. So I contrapted something on the ladder -the 'holders' are the tops of hangers based upon instructions I got from
here (
And at the bottom are my finished candles from last week - a little 'lumpy' but for my first try, I'm fine with it - hubby calls them 'corrugated candles'. I think we got some water into the wax accidentally last week, and that's what caused the corrugation.
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Friday, February 08, 2008


On Monday, I had an overwhelming craving for these yummy, soft, chewy ginger cookies that I get from the little piggy bakery down the road from my office. But I was trying to overcome my craving (since I tend to go buy these on a near daily basis).

After getting a disgruntled toddler to bed, I ended up surfing the net to find a recipe to make my own. They were yummy! Not as good as the little piggy version (they have pieces of candied ginger in theirs!).

Anyhow, I'm watching Good Eats (my fave!), and what do ya know, he mentions keeping fish sauce in the fridge for things like pad thai, etc.... He wasn't making Pad Thai, but the mere mention of the word, and boom, craving. Now I don't just 'get' cravings, there are certain foods I crave, and Pad Thai tends to rear its head every couple of months, and will stick around for weeks on end if I don't satisfy it. Generally that means a trip to the Noodle Box (we go to the Fisgard location as it's easier to park!)

Now, I decided to google to see what I could find for possibly making 'something' that would satisfy the craving (knowing that I am NOT going to make authentic Pad Thai, and I have yet to find a grocery store version that doesn't taste like gooey mush). Well, I've found something extremely interesting and will be exploring my options tomorrow...

Wish me luck!

PS. I know there isn't the words Pad Thai on the Noodle Box menu, I order the Spicy Peanut Noodle Box...mmmmm
And yes, I do have other options, but with a toddler, it's easier to do take-out - without toddler, we like the My Thai Cafe - mmmmmm, now I want some red curry...

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Three years ago today, I had some tummy pains, had a great lunch/chat with a friend, although all I could eat was soup since I knew a little person was on his way (and supposedly once labour is started, you shouldn't eat solid foods - can't recall why exactly, but I did have tea and soup for lunch because of that). Wasn't all that annoying until hubby decided to call me a few times that day to check how far apart contractions were - I really didn't know 'cause I wasn't paying attention. So once I timed them (10 minutes apart at that point), I realized they hurt, kinda, and was not overly pleased with hubby for bringing those 10 minute experiences into the forefront of my attention span! So I chose to ignore them again. Then around 4:30, the water broke, and all hell broke loose then, those little annoying pains that actually did hurt before when I paid attention, ended up REALLY hurting (little did I know that wasn't the painful part!) Now the rest is really a blur, but suffice it to say I had a little person in my arms by 8:35, and I had no idea what I was in for!

After that, I've come to realize that my mother should have had all the birthday wishes/day off each year on Jan 29th instead of me...considering all I did was 'showup' that day... I now think I'll celebrate Feb 7th for me...Happy Birthday Keiran, momma is going to celebrate with a pedicure and massage!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It's got to be happy hour!

What a day - not including the toddler escapades this morning at 6:10am, and between 7-8am attempting to get ready for work...this has been the major events of my day so far...
1) had a meeting today scheduled for 1pm, received copy of contract (discussion topic for meeting) at 8:24am via email
2) Said document kept crashing word, emailed to find out if there was an issue for anyone else
3) put memory stick into computer, computer shut down immediately
4) restarted computer, supposedly Windows had experienced a critical error - virus definitions updated, scan conducted, outlook took 30 minutes to process because personal folders were not shut down properly, etc....nada, seemed to be fine, although I lost some critical time preparing for meeting.
5) in the midst of all this, zipper on pants broke, found this out when attempting to go to bathroom and pants would not unzip. Said zipper came flying off after repeated attempts to undo it (on a good note, I hadn't waited until the last possible minute to go to the bathroom, so I had my bladder control throughout this process!)
6) had gift card from Christmas in my purse (yippeee), figured I had time to go shopping for new pants before 1pm meeting.
7) tried on 7 pairs of pants, finally decided on a pair - gulp, 15 minutes until I had to be at meeting.
8) got to meeting with 5 minutes to spare, changed pants in bathroom before meeting start.
9) walked back to office in torrential downpour, feet are soaked....should have bought new socks and shoes too I guess...

It's 2:38pm, I think it's time to call it a day!?