Sunday, July 12, 2009

reBlog from Tightwad Gazette Recipe for Laundry Stains | Table for Five

Drove by the house today - we close on Tuesday/take posession on Wed - looks like the previous owners have already moved out and left us their Bell satellite dish and a bench on the front porch!?!?

We're not finished packing, but a good portion was done on Saturday with the great help of my mother!  Alas I'm now in need of a couple of things that I told her to pack (I definitely wasn't thinking).  Although, I had to pack my Tightwad Gazette book - and of all times, D needed his beach referee shirts cleaned - stained collars from sunscreen didn't come out in the regular wash, so he needed the 'laundry stain remover' that I've been using out of that book for years...lucky for me, after googling, I came across a blog published today with the recipe!:

Of all the tips I picked up from the books, the one I have used the most is the recipe for laundry stain remover.  When you’ve got something really stained, like for example, when you are potty training a three year old who refuses to poop on the potty, you mix up this formula and soak the stained clothes in it. My experience has been that the clothes might not look brand-new, but the stains are significantly lightened. This is the, Tightwad Gazette Recipe for Laundry Stains | Table for Five, Jul 2009

Shirts are soaking as we speak - I'll be bookmarking this site for future reference!

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