Image by mirvettium via Flickr
Didn't realize how long its been since I last blogged!! During the Olympics - egads! Honestly, I've been knitting, but working both my business and around the house has kept me from blogging here (I'm blogging on my business blog).I've been teaching sock knitting in my home since JDF Parks & Rec made an 'oops' and accidentally put my sock knitting class for spring in the fall folder, so there wasn't a class in the spring/summer brochure...but its been great to have a small class in my home to 'work out the kinks' and as a result we're likely going to continue all summer as a 'stitch n bitch' group on Saturday mornings. I have 3 other people from West-Mont school (parents and teachers) who want to learn knitting, so I'll teach them over the summer months while my sock knitters progress to more complicated stitch patterns on their socks :)
In the fall JDF Parks & Rec will be offering beginners knitting followed by Sock Knitting 101 again...but I'll keep the Saturday morning group as a support/help/coffee/chat group - although if we grow in size, it'll be time to find a coffee shop instead of my living room :)
You're welcome to join us - just drop me a line knitcaboose at