Thursday, September 04, 2008

another 4 km logged

My new shoes are logging more km again. Did 4km this morning since I was supposed to do that on Sunday and Tuesday, but the little k is now wanting to run with me instead of riding his bike. Unfortunately, 4km for a 3.5yr old is a tad too far for running - but there's no telling a 3.5yr old something like that. He could certainly do it on his bike, but as we learned last week, if we take the bike, momma has to carry the bike when lil k decides he wants to run!

So, running is back on track now that the daddy is back from Toronto. Hopefully more knitting can get done since sister-in-law has reached 34 weeks now, and so the doctor's will let the baby come now (baby was trying to come 2 weeks ago and they managed to stall it!) I have all of 6 washcloths done, and can't find where I put the cashmere yarn for the baby booties I planned to make. I figured I haven't got time to do the baby hat either, so enlisted my friend KnitNat to do it for me (who looks like she might have a nice little business going with making these hats she designed - she ended up selling the pattern to Beehive Wool Shop - and to think I taught her a year ago how to knit after she was vehemently refusing to learn!!!)

We have no idea what sex the baby is, so I'm waiting for the 'news' before I cast on one of the Baby Mine or Baby Yours green.. Personally I'd like to knit the Baby Mine sweater, but it would be too feminine for a boy, even in a blue colour, the baby yours sweater would work for either sex in any colour...

Off to find that cashmere yarn now...