I kept meaning to blog this week, but ended up being distracted by yet another knitting 'issue' that I thought needed more attention...so I now sit with things 'resolved' but no blog entries to share my turmoil...
So let's summarize what I can 'remember':
1) Sept 3rd - My toddler is no longer satisfied with 'his knitting' - ie since 18 months he's had a bobbin with some yarn to play with as his 'knitting' while momma knits. He now realizes he needs needles to click with - here he is with his NEW knitting...

You do see this correctly - two large knitting needles and TWO bobbins now (supposedly there has to be yarn on each needle) I tried to find something that wouldn't be a hazard in my needle inventory, but even these scare hubby (and me). At least these were the largest needles I had, so don't figure he'll put them in his mouth (yeah, choking is the least of my worries with these weapons...)
His knitting has disappeared (ie bottom of momma's knitting bag) to no avail...he remembers he has knitting when he wants to knit - so I look for new options still, but have to observe him while he knits (momma does NOT take her eyes off boy and knitting!)
2) Spinning wheel dilemma - went to the
Saanich Fair last weekend, most especially for the toddler to see animals, and for momma to see the Sheep to Shawl demonstration by the local
Spinners' Guild - toddler and momma enjoyed watching the demo - so much so that ds was happy to sit on my lap when one of the spinners offered for me to sit beside her at one of the vacant wheels (someone went to get food). He was very, very well behaved...but where's the dilemma you ask??? Well, momma is ITCHING to get her wheel in working order and start spinning, and although I have happily loaned my wheel to the daycare as a 'natural display' piece - I want to work on it....NOW dear little boy is complaining that we (ie me, and the daycare staff) are not USING the wheel and that it needs to be fixed....nothing worse than being pressured by a toddler to get over one's procrastination...
So I have spent a good number of hours trying to find out what to call my wheel, where to find parts, where to even know the name of the parts since my wheel has absolutely no markings on it (I bought it used knowing the treadle was missing the treadle connector - this I learned in my research last week, before I knew only that the foot thingy wasn't attached to the thing that hung from the big wheel).
This is an exact picture of my wheel! Someone else got one I see - and has a name for it and everything!!!
http://theboogerblog.blogspot.com/2004/07/day-outwho-says-i-dont-get-out-of.html So now I have a hold at our local library for the same book to see if that will help me out. However, I am only 1/2 an hour from Cowichan, and could just drive up to the
cultural centre and ask for help...maybe that'll be a task for next week...
3) My 2nd clapotis is back in full swing again (it was a Christmas gift that got somewhat delayed!!!) I am near completion, the end is in sight, and....
I RAN OUT OF YARN!!!! GROAN!! I have now posted to 3 local and some not-so-local LYS, dropped by one LYS; googled, found out it is discontinued and someone is selling a lot of 10 balls (I need maybe 1/4 of a ball to complete this thing)...and since DH said no to buying the lot and using the 'extra' yarn for something else, I emailed a few of my friends on yahoo :) I received a few emails of where they saw online retailers selling the yarn, and have now since placed an order...now, shipping for one ball of discontinued yarn makes for a pricey yarn...so that means YARN SHOPPING!!!!! well, I guess no-one would see THAT as a dilemma...except when I dropped into the LYS looking for the one ball, I already did end up buying some sock yarn that was 2 for 1....now really, how could I resist buying 2 for 1?? and it's bugging me that I left the rest of those 2 for 1 balls there....
4) Now that I have more sock yarn, I want desperately to knit some new socks....however, I'm still working on the new set of socks for my friend...DH just does NOT understand the lure of multiple projects - it eases some of the monotony of repeating patterns....I made the mistake of saying I get bored easily and he now thinks knitting bores me....NOOOOOOOo that is not what that means!!!! geez.... as
YH would say "damn muggles"...