As you learn, stocking stitch (plain knitting) tends to curl. Garter stitch (knit row/purl row) or ribbing (knit stitches alternated with purl stitches) will lay flat. I'm not overly concerned about the item curling when OFF the needles, but if it affects the way it fits, then I'd have an issue. Certainly some prep rows leading into the cables would help make this lie flat, but the designer may have had a different preference.
Another great thing about knit-a-longs (OR having someone knit a pattern and leave notes before you try it out), are the 'warnings'. Learn from other people's mistakes! This is an 8 row repeating pattern. Some people made the mistake of assuming row 3 & row 7 were the same - they are NOT...so I kept an eye out when I hit row 7 and understood how people made the error: the difference between row 3 & row 7 happened halfway through the row. Lesson: Read through entire row before starting/assuming.
Another warning issued was the length (or lack thereof). Some made it longer than the pattern called for. I kept with the original pattern (counted it out to 86 rows, then bind off). This is called a WRIST-warmer not a fingerless glove...so the fit, is right at my knuckles with most of the knitting down my wrist (fitting nicely into my coat sleeve).
It's a travelling work-week coming up, so I may not finish these until the weekend, but I'm sure to finish this before the end of the "Selfish Knitting Month".
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